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Section: New Results

Resource Control and Probabilities

Participants : Michele Alberti, Martin Avanzini, Flavien Breuvart, Alberto Cappai, Ugo Dal Lago, Simone Martini, Giulio Pellitta, Alessandro Rioli, Davide Sangiorgi, Marco Solieri, Valeria Vignudelli.

Resource Control

Time Complexity Analysis of Concurrent and Higher-Order Functional Programs

We have extensively studied the problem of automatically analysing the complexity of programs. We first of all studied the problem for concurrent object-oriented programs [41] . To determine this complexity we have used intermediate abstract descriptions that record relevant information for the time analysis, called behavioural types. Behavioural types are then translated into so-called cost equations, making parallelism explicit. Cost equations are finally fed into an automatic off-the-shelf solver for obtaining the actual time complexity. The same problem has been also analysed when the underlying program is functional [29] . We showed how the complexity of higher-order functional programs can be analysed automatically by applying program transformations to a defunctionalized version of them, and feeding the result to existing tools for the complexity analysis of first-order term rewrite systems. This is done while carefully analysing complexity preservation and reflection of the employed transformations such that the complexity of the obtained term rewrite system reflects on the complexity of the initial program. This approach turns out to work well in practice, in particular since off-the-shelf complexity tool for first-order rewrite systems matured to a state where they are both fast and powerful. However, the implementation of such tools is quite sophisticated. To ensure correctness of the obtained complexity bounds, we extended CeTA, a certified proof checker for rewrite tools, with the formalisation of various complexity techniques underlying state-of-the-art complexity tools [30] . This way, we detected conflicts in theoretical results as well as bugs in existing complexity provers.

Function Algebras and Implicit Complexity

A fundamental result about ramified recurrence, one of the earliest systems in implicit complexity, has been proved [28] . This has been obtained through a careful analysis on how the adoption of an evaluation mechanism with sharing and memoization impacts the class of functions which can be computed in polynomial time. We have first shown how a natural cost model in which lookup for an already computed result has no cost is indeed invariant. As a corollary, we have then proved that the most general notion of ramified recurrence is sound for polynomial time.

Geometry of Interaction

We see the the geometry of interaction as a foundational framework in which the efficiency of higher-order computation can be analyzed. This has produced some very interesting results, also stimulated by the bilateral Inria project CRECOGI, which started this year. We have first of all studied the geometry of interaction of the resource lambda-calculus, a model of linear and nondeterministic functional languages. In a strictly typed restriction of the resource lambda-calculus, we have studied the notion of path persistence, and defined a geometry of interaction that characterises it [18] . Furthermore, we have carried out our work on multitoken machines, started in 2014. More specifically, we have studied multitoken interaction machines in the context of a very expressive linear logical system with exponentials, fixpoints and synchronization [34] . On the one hand, we have proved that interaction is guaranteed to be deadlock-free. On the other hand, the resulting logical system has been proved to be powerful enough to embed PCF and to adequately model its behaviour, both when call-by-name and when call-by-value evaluation are considered.

Probabilistic Models

Applicative Bisimilarity

Notions of equivalences for probabilistic programming languages have been studied and analysed, together with their relationships with context equivalence. More specifically, we have studied how applicative bisimilarity behaves when instantiated on a call-by-value probabilistic lambda-calculus, endowed with Plotkin's parallel disjunction operator [20] . We have proved that congruence and coincidence with the corresponding context relation hold for both bisimilarity and similarity, the latter known to be impossible in sequential languages. We have also shown that applicative bisimilarity works well when the underlying language of programs takes the form of a linear lambda-calculus extended with quantum data [35] . The main results are proofs of soundness for the obtained notion of equivalence.

From Equivalences to Metrics

The presence of probabilistic (thus quantitative) notions of observation makes equivalence relations too coarse-grained as ways to compare programs. This opens the way to metrics in which, indeed, not all non-equivalent programs are at the same distance. We have studied the problem of evaluating the distance between affine lambda-terms [33] . A natural generalisation of context equivalence has been shown to be characterised by a notion of trace distance, and to be bounded from above by a coinductively defined distance based on the Kantorovich metric on distributions. A different, again fully-abstract, tuple-based notion of trace distance has been shown to be able to handle nontrivial examples. A similar thing has been done in a calculus for probabilistic polynomial time computation [32] , thus paving the way towards getting effective proof methodologies for computational indistinguishability, a key notion in modern cryptography.